How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in New York

Empire State Building in New York at Sunset

New York is the city that never sleeps, and that doesn’t just mean the people. New York hosts a large and active mosquito population. Mosquitoes don’t just bug you, they also spread dangerous diseases. Learn how to get rid of mosquitoes in New York so you can protect yourself, your family, and your pets from itchy bites and diseases.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes Outdoors in New York

New York City is one of the worst cities in the U.S. when it comes to mosquitoes and ranks near the top of Orkin’s top 50 mosquito cities. The main things homeowners should keep in mind when dealing with mosquitoes in the City of Dreams are: eliminate areas where mosquitoes can breed, control the existing skeeter population, and avoid getting bitten.

Eliminate Breeding Areas

standing water in a yard
Photo Credit: Michael Coghlan / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Get rid of standing water on your property to remove potential mosquito breeding spots. Standing water can accumulate in gutters, downspouts, pools, buckets, and pool covers.
  • Keep your yard well-maintained to prevent mosquitoes from hunkering down for the night. Mow grass, trim bushes, rake leaves, clear away brush, and remove dead plants regularly. Leaves allow water to gather, providing a place for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.
  • Don’t overwater plants. Watering too much and too often is not only bad for your plants, but it can also build up accumulated water where mosquitoes can breed. Female mosquitoes can lay their eggs in puddles of water as small as a bottle cap.
  • Fill in tree holes where water can accumulate.
  • Change the water in bird baths at least every three or four days.
  • Clear away any trash or yard debris that can collect water.

Control Existing Mosquitoes

image of a mosquito larva
Photo Credit: Rob Cruickshank / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
  • Larvicides, also known as mosquito dunks, treat ponds, fountains, and other water fixtures with Bti, an eco-friendly way to kill mosquito larvae. Bti produces a protein that blocks the larvae’s digestive system, starving it in a matter of days. You can find products at your local hardware store. Learn more about larvicides in our Mosquito Dunks Guide.
  • Use eco-friendly pesticides. Always follow the instructions on the label. Keep in mind that harsh chemicals will kill beneficial insects as well as mosquitoes.
  • Mosquitofish are small fish that resemble guppies and consume mosquito larvae. In fact, one fish can eat up to 100 larvae a day. If you have a small garden pond, you can purchase these fish to introduce into your landscape. They are an invasive species, so never release them into the wild.
  • Hire a mosquito control company. They use specialized equipment and are knowledgeable and experienced with pesticides. The best mosquito control companies offer long-term maintenance and monitoring to keep skeeters away for good.

Prevent Mosquito Bites

mosquito bite on arm
Mosquito bites on an arm
Photo Credit: Seney Natural History Association / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Avoid wearing short sleeves and dark colors. Wear light-colored, loose, long-sleeved clothing. You can also wear the best insect-repellent clothing items we have listed.
  • Use an EPA-approved insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus on exposed skin to protect yourself from mosquito bites. We have an article with the best mosquito repellents of the year to help you choose the best one for you.
  • Limit outdoor activity in the evening at dusk and at dawn when the mosquitoes are most active.
  • Avoid wearing cologne, perfume, or scented lotion.
  • Avoid shaded, bushy areas where mosquitoes rest.
  • Use window screens and repair or replace any that have holes.
  • Cover beds and children’s strollers with mesh mosquito nets. These nets are available in many styles and sizes, including box, pop-up, and bell canopy.
  • Do not leave windows open and make sure your windows have screens.
  • Use an air conditioner or a fan. Mosquitoes cannot fly in winds around 10 mph or higher. Fans and AC will also dispel the carbon dioxide that mosquitoes use to find humans.
  • Protect your pets by keeping them indoors as much as possible, and using mosquito repellent collars. Mosquitoes put your pets at higher risk of heartworms, so it’s important to keep them safe during seasons of high mosquito activity.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in the House in New York

Construction worker use gun silicone tube for sealing gaps
Photo Credit: Parilov / Adobe Stock Free / License

Even if you get rid of most of the pesky bloodsuckers bugging you outside, a few can sneak past you and get inside your home or apartment. Here are a few things you can do to exterminate these tiny home invaders.

  • Replace porch lights with yellow bulbs. Yellow light is far less attractive to mosquitoes than UV-A or other artificial light.
  • Use caulk to fill gaps between the floors, walls, and waste pipes entering your home.
  • Install fine metal screens on all tubs and sinks.
  • Treat drains regularly to avoid clogs and accumulated water. You can use commercial drain cleaners, or pour vinegar, salt, and baking soda into your drains.
  • Mosquito traps like CO2 mosquito traps and ovitraps are available at hardware and home improvement stores, but there are also effective DIY mosquito traps you can make with items you have at home. 
  • Essential oils can be used in homemade mosquito repellents and candles that can be burned to repel mosquitoes. Some of these include citronella, marigold, peppermint, rosemary, sage, basil, and coriander.
  • Indoor sprays and foggers can be used inside showers, closets, and under sinks to eliminate mosquitoes inside the home. After applying the spray, you and your family will need to stay out of the home for about 2 – 4 hours until these products dry. You will want to make sure that you leave no food out and cover anything you don’t want bug spray on.

When is Mosquito Season in New York?

mosquito season map
Photo Credit: Juan Rodriguez

New York City residents can expect mosquito activity from April through September/October, when temperatures are above 50 degrees (Fahrenheit).

Mosquitoes will hibernate during cold weather, so warmer weather is when they start to become active, looking to lay their eggs in standing water. Mosquitoes can breed in even the smallest amount of water, so be sure that anything in your lawn that could collect water is properly drained during this time.

Mosquito Control Resources in New York

If you’re struggling to control the mosquito population, then you can rely on a few local New York mosquito control resources. 

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)

Services include:

  • Spraying: the DOHMH controls mosquitoes with larvicides and pesticides. Spraying takes place on scheduled dates during peak mosquito season. For residential areas, the DOHMH provides at least 24 hours advance notice before spraying.
  • Report swarms and standing water: You can report mosquitoes swarming or standing water at private or public areas in New York during mosquito season. The department will then locate and evaluate mosquito populations across the city.

New York State (NYS) Department of Health

Services include:

  • Fact sheets and information: You can find multiple sources of information on eliminating mosquito habitats and how to protect yourself from mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases on the NYS Department of Health website.

How Much Does Mosquito Control Cost?

The cost of mosquito control is around $450 nationwide, but don’t be surprised if the cost ranges between $80 – $1,600. The amount you’ll end up paying is determined by a variety of factors, including:

  • Property size
  • Frequency of visits
  • Treatment methods
  • Size of the infestation

However, for homeowners in New York, the average price of mosquito control can range somewhere between $250 – $550. There are a few ways to save money on your mosquito control service by checking to see if the company offers bundles, payment plans, discounts, or coupons.

FAQ: Mosquitoes in New York

Do Bug Zappers Attract Mosquitoes?

No, bug zappers don’t attract mosquitoes. Mosquitoes, mainly female mosquitoes, are primarily attracted to the CO2 that our bodies emit, and have very little interest in light unless they mistake it for moonlight.

How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

Female mosquitoes can live from a few weeks up to three months so long as they have a regular food supply. Male mosquitoes live around 10 days. Learn more on this topic in our guide: “How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

What Diseases Are Caused by Mosquitoes?

Female mosquitoes (males don’t bite) are capable of carrying several diseases, a few of the worst ones being:

  • West Nile Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Malaria
  • Dengue
  • Yellow Fever

When to Call a Pro

If you’re getting eaten alive by mosquitoes but don’t have the time to deal with them or can’t find the source of the problem, there is another way. Let Pest Gnome connect you with the best mosquito control experts in New York City. With fast and affordable service, you and your family will be protected from being bugged by itchy bites.

Main Image Credit: susanne2688 / Adobe Stock Free / License

Lydian Pine

Lydian Pine is a creative writer and studio artist whose work first debuted in a short story anthology. She graduated from the University of North Texas in 2020 and enjoys video games, theatre, and swimming. Lately, she has started to study entomology as a hobby.