Termites might be a home’s worst predator, but in nature’s grand hierarchy, they’re squarely positioned as prey. This twist of fate serves as poetic justice: for every house they silently undermine, the animals that eat termites thrive, contributing to the delicate balance of ecosystems.
And we’re not just talking about your average backyard critters either. Some surprisingly sophisticated predators have developed quite a taste for these wood-munching insects.
Birds That Eat Termites
As you survey your backyard, you might never guess it’s a bustling diner for the local wildlife that feasts on termites. There’s an entire food network thriving out there, and termites are often the main course. Here are a few North American birds you might spot partaking in this all-you-can-eat buffet.
1. Red-Headed Woodpecker

Woodpeckers hammer away at trunks and branches, not just for the fun of it but because they’re on the hunt for a hearty termite meal. Their sharp beaks can dig into the hardest of woods, unearthing those hidden termite treasures.
Planting trees like live oaks and river birches can transform your backyard into an irresistible hangout for woodpeckers. And once they’ve arrived, these birds won’t just stop at termites; they’ll go after ants, beetle larvae, and other insects, causing chaos in your cherished trees.
2. Common Raven

These opportunistic birds aren’t fussy when it comes to snacking. They’ll dip into anything from garbage to roadkill to a good cluster of termites when it’s available. Ravens aren’t your typical garden visitor, but these intelligent fliers might become accidental allies if you have a termite problem.
Their presence alone can serve as a bit of a deterrent to smaller pests and creatures that might otherwise munch on your home’s timber.
3. Northern Cardinal

Northern cardinals zip through gardens with a flash of red, and yeah, they’ve got termites on their menu, too. But they’re not just flying around waiting for a buffet to show up; these birds are attracted by specific plants that meet their needs.
Planting berry-producing shrub-like dogwoods or thickets of sumac can create an inviting habitat for cardinals. Sure, they’re in it for the berries, but when termites appear as an extra treat? That’s a bonus they won’t pass up.
With their flitting and darting, cardinals are natural entertainers; before you know it, they’re swooping down for a termite here and there. And let’s not forget, these birds help keep your garden lively while managing pests.
4. American Robin

Worms, beetles, caterpillars, spiders, and termites: the American robin doesn’t discriminate when it comes to its diet. They’re the early birds that get the worm and everything else crawling in your lawn first thing at dawn.
What’s more, these friendly feeders are drawn to gardens rich with fruit-bearing trees and shrubs like crabapples and holly. They pluck away pests all day long, and every once in a while, a juicy termite crosses their path, which they’ll gobble up without hesitation.
5. Blue Jay

Blue jays are known for their striking blue plumage and bold behavior. While they might have a reputation for being bullies at the bird feeder, they’re also excellent at controlling pests. Termites are part of their diverse diet, which primarily includes seeds and nuts. To make your yard more Blue jay-friendly, consider planting oak trees.
These trees not only provide acorns, a staple in the Blue jay’s diet but also attract termites, making them a prime hunting ground for these birds. Blue jays are also helpful in spreading the seeds of the trees they feast on, contributing to a healthier and more diverse ecosystem.
6. Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern bluebird, with its vibrant blue feathers and rust-colored breast, is a welcome sight in many American gardens. These birds are insectivorous and feast on a variety of insects, including termites. They’re particularly fond of open spaces with a mix of trees and shrubs.
Planting native berry-producing plants can attract these birds, and they’ll help keep the termite population in check. Watching these colorful birds flit around your garden is a delight, and they’re an excellent natural pest control agent.
Insects That Kill Termites
While birds and mammals often steal the spotlight in the termite-hunting saga, let’s not overlook the smaller heroes of this tale: the insects. These tiny warriors may be minute in size, but their impact on termite populations is immense.
1. Ants

Believe it or not, ants are termite archenemies even though both are social insects with structured colonies. Certain ant species, like the red imported fire ant, actively hunt termites and can reduce their numbers significantly.
If you’ve got these predatory ants around (and okay, they’re not always the most welcome guests), you might notice fewer termites as they wage their tiny insect wars below our feet. Carpenter ants often get blamed for structural damage when sometimes they’re actually doing us a favor by attacking termites.
2. Assassin Bugs

Assassin bugs, crafty as they come, have a particular penchant for dining on termites. Some species have evolved to feast exclusively on these wood-dwellers.
With their sly tactics, assassin bugs lurk within termite colony walls or masquerade as deceased termites to snag their next. Not only do they eat termites, but they also help aerate the soil, boosting its health and structure. It’s like getting a two-for-one deal: pest control and soil improvement in one tiny beetle package.
Don’t get it twisted; these beetles aren’t just good for crops. They’re eager to take on termites in suburban settings, too. So next time you spot one of these beetles, tip your hat to nature’s own little pest managers.
3. Dragonflies

You might not think much of dragonflies other than their flashy wingspan or ability to zip across water surfaces, but there’s more to these insects than meets the eye (which are pretty impressive too, with nearly 360-degree vision).
Dragonflies are ace predators in both their adult and larval stages, making a meal of termites with absolute precision. These aerial masters take advantage of termite swarming seasons to fill up on the winged buffet.
Larval dragonflies, or nymphs, come equipped with posterior tracheal gills, letting them hunt even in aquatic environments, reaching termite nests that might be near water sources.
4. Humpback Flies

Let’s talk about humpback flies, the one fly you might actually want around if termites irk you enough. They lay their eggs right within those cozy termite nests, offering their offspring a warm welcome into a world teeming with food.
Sure, there’s the unpleasant caveat that these flies aren’t particularly hygienic critters given their attraction to decay and sewage, but in the grand scheme of things, if it’s between termites chomping through your home or some less-than-sanitary flies taking care of them… well, you choose.
5. Praying Mantises

Have you ever witnessed praying mantises camouflaged among greenery? If you have, then you’ve seen one-of-a-kind ambush predators at work. While they keep low-key as plants themselves, they’re not below feasting on termites when opportunity strikes outside colony walls.
Praying mantises might not be your everyday termite control agent, but they’re certainly notable. They lurk among the leaves with a saintly patience until wham! A termite strays too far from safety, and our mantis makes its move.
They’re impressive predators, boasting fatal arms that snatch unsuspecting termites out of their complacency and into a rather final dinner date. Elegant as they are lethal, praying mantises give the art of hunting pests a touch of grace.
6. Spiders

Spiders are crafty architects amongst insect predators, weaving webs strategically to catch their prey. These eight-legged hunters capitalize on termite traffic by setting up near colonies or along mud tubes where termites travel.
But wait, there’s more to their genius: spiders often use bits of wood and debris as bait to lure in unsuspecting insects, which really goes to show you should never underestimate a spider; they’ve got brains and deadly brawn when it comes down to pest management.
7. Scorpions

These critters aren’t just desert dwellers; they have adapted to various habitats, including your own backyard. They love dining on a hearty selection of pests, termites being one of their favorites. Scorpions use their pincers and venomous sting to subdue these insects before feasting on them.
Now, keep in mind that inviting scorpions into your home isn’t advisable for painfully obvious reasons. However, maintaining a natural balance in your garden can mean these hunters help manage termite populations outdoors.
By reducing standing water and keeping debris piles away from the house, you make it less appealing for both scorpions and termites to move in close proximity.
8. Wasps

Wasps are, admittedly, not the most beloved insects. They can ruin picnics and cause a fair bit of alarm with their buzzing and aggressive demeanor. But give them credit where it’s due; these flying fiends are termite-hungry machines.
Some sphecoid wasp species, like Polybia and Angiopolybia, specialize in raiding termite colonies, snatching up the soft-bodied workers for their larvae to consume. Wasps lay eggs directly inside termite bodies or in nearby nests, where once hatched, the young will feed on termites.
When you see them hovering around your garden or home, pause before swatting them away. They just might be on the hunt for a termite snack, cutting down your pest problems one bite at a time.
Mammals That Prey on Termites
Speaking of mammals, there’s this enduring image of an anteater with its distinctive snout buried in a termite mound, but they’re not the only ones treating termites as a munchable luxury.
1. Moles

These furry diggers might be a nuisance when they’re pushing up dirt in your garden, but they’ve got an appetite that can work in our favor. Moles tunnel around like miners searching for gold, only their treasure is termites and other soil-dwelling insects.
Having a mole on your property could mean less termite trouble as these small mammals plow through colonies, grabbing a snack here and there. They don’t exactly discriminate, though. Worms, grubs, they’ll take it all. So, while your lawn might suffer a bit aesthetically with their burrowing antics, termite numbers could go down as well.
2. Armadillos

Armadillos roll up into our lives from forests to suburbs with their armored plates and nosy snouts that delve deep into termite territory. They forage through the underbrush with determination, looking for these delectable insects to feast upon, their digging habits turning the soil over in the process.
It’s messy, for sure, and your flower beds might take a hit. But let’s face it: if these critters are munching on termites that are eyeing your home as their next meal, it’s not all bad news.
3. Skunks

Now, skunks might not be the first animal you want hanging around your property, given their notorious defense mechanism, but don’t let that put you entirely off. These black and white foragers hunt at night, often digging for insects like termites to satiate their diverse diet.
They have a keen sense of sniffing out their insect prey beneath the surface. Plus, while they’re on the hunt, their grubbing can inadvertently aid in pest control by cutting down termite populations. Sure, you’ll want to give them space (nobody’s eager for a stink-bomb surprise), but skunks do have their upside in the natural order of things.
4. Raccoons

Raccoons are adaptive creatures with little black-masked faces that show up just about anywhere there’s food to be found, from suburban trash cans to forest floors. They aren’t particularly picky eaters and will happily include termites on their nightly raids.
Their nimble fingers allow them to pick apart wood logs and dig into termite nests with startling efficiency. While raccoons might rummage through your garbage now and then, they could also be silently ridding your yard of unwanted pests as part of their eclectic diet.
5. Virginia Opossums

The Virginia opossum may play dead when threatened, but make no mistake; it’s very much alive when it comes to hunting down termites for dinner. Opossums have a voracious appetite that’s adaptive enough to include various insects within their diet.
Often misunderstood and seen as nuisances, these marsupials actually provide free pest control services throughout American backyards at night, termites being one of many pests they help keep in check.
6. Bats

Although bats don’t feast on termites on the ground, these nocturnal mammals are excellent at pest control from above. When termites take to the air during swarming events, bats can swoop in with their echo-location tuned and gobble up scores of these flying insects in a single night.
Bats consume a staggering number of insects and play a crucial role in maintaining balanced ecosystems. By erecting bat houses or preserving natural habitats that attract these winged mammals, homeowners actually invite organic termite control, and yes, bats might just be nature’s own pest management service fresh from the skies.
7. Aardvarks (Just visiting)

Though you won’t find them stateside save for zoos or perhaps an eccentric neighbor’s private collection, let us give an honorable mention to our snouted friend: the mighty aardvark. Native to Africa, this odd creature is practically synonymous with termite dining. It uses its powerful claws and long, sticky tongue to raid nests efficiently.
While they’re not patrolling U.S. soil for pests, their lifestyle elsewhere exemplifies how various mammals have adapted interesting ways to access their insect meals and termites being quite the popular dish across continents and mammalian diets alike.
Reptiles and Amphibians That Feast on Termites
Reptiles might be cold-blooded, but their appetite for termites is anything but lukewarm. These creatures slip and slide their way through the underbrush, snagging up any unlucky termite that crosses their path.
1. Newts

Newts might be small, but they’ve got a mighty hunger for insects like termites. You’ll find these amphibians in damp environments, often near ponds or streams where termite nests sometimes thrive. They’re not fussy; they snap up termites with gusto as part of their regular diet.
They may look cute with their little waddles and slimy skin, but when it comes to mealtime, newts mean business. They’re the silent pest-pickers of our soggy backyard spots, cleaning up those wood-eating nuisances almost unnoticed, save for the observant garden enthusiast noticing fewer termite signs and more newt sightings.
2. Skinks

Skinks slither around with their sleek, shiny bodies and are known for their voracious termite-eating habits. These lizards often nestle in the same areas termites do: under rocks, within decaying logs, or beneath the ground cover, where they grab termites as tasty little morsels.
Setting up a backyard that’s friendly to skinks means less work for us humans because these reptiles patrol regularly for their meals. And since they’re not too picky, your gardens can benefit from their presence when it comes to keeping termite numbers down. Remarkable how these reptiles balance being both endearing backyard companions and fierce termite predators.
3. Toads

You might hear them croaking on a wet summer night; that’s because toads come out in full force, searching for bugs like termites after dusk falls. They sit and wait just like statues until some poor insect wanders too close, then zap! With lightning-fast tongue action, they catch those termites right out of the air or from the ground.
Encouraging toad habitats with plenty of moisture and nighttime lighting can spell bad news for our woody culprits but good tidings for our garden’s health.
4. Turtles

Believe it or not, turtles dig into a termite feast now and then. Though we more commonly picture them munching on leafy greens or enjoying a fish, certain turtle species won’t turn down termites when they’re crawling about. These slow-moving reptiles can surprise you with their opportunistic diets and willingness to snap up termites that venture too near to their paths.
Build a small pond or keep an untamed portion of your garden, and you might just find these shelled termite hunters staking a claim there. They’re nature’s way of reminding us that sometimes taking things slow, including pest control, can still get the job done.
5. Southern California Legless Lizard

Southern California legless lizards give us a double-take: they’ve got no legs, but don’t you dare confuse them with snakes. They maneuver just as well, if not better, through the sandy soils where termites thrive. You’ll often find them in dry climates where their legless form gives them an edge, sneaking up on termites and snatching them right from their nests.
Homeowners in these areas might never see these lizards in action since they’re so good at staying hidden while doing us a solid by reducing the local termite population. So next time you’re basking in your termite-free home, maybe throw some silent gratitude to our legless lizard friends.
6. Geckos

Those clicks and chirps at night? Those are geckos chatting it up while they prowl for a bug buffet, and if a termite wanders by, it’s fair game. While they’re better known for chasing after moths by porch lights, they won’t hesitate to snap up termites in or around your home.
Brighten a few outdoor lights and plant some low shrubs near your walls; before you know it, geckos might just set up shop as your personal termite exterminators. And hey, their quirky charm isn’t a bad trade-off for this delicate balance of nature’s pest control.
7. Anoles

You’ve seen anoles, right? Those little lizards that sometimes change color? They’re pretty cool on their own but get even cooler when you realize how much they enjoy chowing down on termites. These guys actively hunt during the day, darting out from under leaves and off branches in pursuit of a meal.
Create areas with plenty of cover, like dense plants or leaf piles, and anoles will make themselves at home while keeping your termite population in check without any chemicals involved.
8. Eastern Hog-Nosed Snakes

Known for their dramatic antics, these snakes might play dead when threatened, but they’re quite the hunters. These clever creatures burrow and rummage through leaf litter, and yes, they fancy termites and other insects as part of their diet.
Though they might startle someone with their theatrics if cornered, these snakes are helpful allies in our ongoing battle with termites. If you come across one in your garden, keep in mind it’s probably there to help you by controlling those pesky insects.
House Pets
While wild animals and insects play their part in termite control, I’ve gotten questions about our domesticated friends too. So here’s the scoop:
1. Cats

Cats are curious creatures, aren’t they? Always pouncing on anything that moves, and yes, that sometimes includes termites. While it’s not their go-to meal (given their preference for a nice can of tuna or maybe a little mouse), cats will bat at termites if they come across them.
You won’t find cats hunting down termite nests with militaristic precision like some other animals on this list, but if a wayward termite wanders into your home? Your feline may very well turn it into an impromptu snack.
2. Dogs

Okay, now dogs … Sure, their main attraction to bugs might be the thrill of the chase rather than actual consumption, termites included. Their diverse diets don’t exactly put termites at the top of the must-eat list.
Some folks even train specific breeds, like Beagles, to sniff out termites based on pheromones, which is becoming quite helpful during inspections. But ordinarily? Don’t expect Fido to keep your home termite-free; they’re more into playing fetch than pest control.
But, if you catch them snapping at a fluttering termite during swarming season, just chalk it up to their playful instincts rather than a deliberate attempt at insect management.
3. Rodents

Alright, let’s dish on rodents such as mice and rats, the ones we’re usually trying to shoo out of the house rather than invite in for help with termites. It turns out these little gnawers will indeed eat termites if they stumble upon them. Mice are opportunistic feeders and love an easy protein snack like insects.
Sure, you don’t want mice as regular guests because of all the other issues they bring along, from diseases to chewing through your belongings, but know that if they’re around, there’s a chance some termites are becoming unintended mouse munchies.
Farm Animals
Now, let’s talk about those farm animals that are part of the rural American landscape. Which of them is good for termite control? From grains to chew and grasses to graze, most farm animals are usually too busy with their prescribed diets to be much use in the war against termites. But when opportunity knocks, you never know.
1. Chickens

Chickens are hands-down voracious when it comes to their diet. They peck-peck-peck at the ground, repurposing anything they find into eggs, we enjoy in the morning (shout out to my chicken-keeping friends).
So, what about termites? Absolutely! If these bugs are present, chickens will gobble them up as part of their insect buffet. Keep these cluckers roaming in your yard, and they’ll scratch through the earth searching for their next meal.
2. Ducks

Quack open a conversation about ducks, and you’ll discover that these water-loving birds have a bit of an insect soft spot too, including termites. Got a pond nearby or a wet area where termites may congregate? Your feathered friends there might just be nibbling away at that pesky population while going about their ducky day business.
3. Guinea Fowl

Guinea fowl, with their funky polka-dot feathers and helmet-like crowns, are a wonder at controlling unwanted pests. Their search for food is unrelenting; they can spot termite activity from yards away. They’ll scratch, peck, and feast upon these insects without any prodding.
If you want some noise with your pest control, guinea fowl will provide both. They don’t have the best reputation for being quiet housemates, but when it comes to keeping your property termite-free. Who needs silence when you can have those industrious birdies working day and night?
4. Goats

While goats aren’t after termites per se, they have a palate for almost anything green or woodsy. They’re infamous for their eating habits that include cardboard and cans, but live insects?
Well, goats will munch on things by accident more often than not, termites included, if they happen to be in the way of a delicious branch or piece of bark. Goats help manage overgrown vegetation that could otherwise shelter termite colonies, aligning indirectly anyway with your pest control goals.
Turns out even those hoofed lawnmowers might contribute to keeping termite numbers down inadvertently just by being their typical hungry selves. Keep bushes and deadwood cleared, thanks to goats, and you essentially remove termite hideouts.
Bonus: Humans
As odd as it might seem to many, humans have joined the legion of termite eaters, although not nearly as ravenously as some critters on this list. While we aren’t known for popping termites as a snack like some of our animal friends, there are cultures where insects are part of the diet and considered delicacies. Termites fit right into this category.
In several parts of Africa, Asia, and South America, termites are harvested for their nutritional value: they’re high in protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Some people collect them during the swarming season and cook them up in various ways: fried till they’re crispy or ground into nutritious flour to add to dishes.
Now, before you turn up your nose at the thought of munching on these little bugs, think about it: food sustainability is becoming more critical than ever. If eating termites can provide valuable nutrients with a low environmental footprint, well, then maybe we ought to consider these wood-chompers not just pests but also potential food sources.
Besides, people are saying that raw termites taste somewhat like pineapple, and cooked ones take on a veggie-like flavor. Who knows? Might be your next favorite treat! Just remember, if you’re gonna go gourmet with your termites, source them sustainably. As bizarre as it sounds, embracing the insect diet might just be another way we humans join the animal kingdom in keeping termite populations in check.
FAQ About Animals That Eat Termites
How much does termite treatment cost?
The cost of termite treatment typically varies between $275 and $863, with the average homeowner spending around $558. For smaller-scale treatments, costs can be as low as $135, whereas more extensive extermination projects may reach up to $1,390.
What animals don’t eat termites?
Despite common misconceptions, certain animals that might seem like they would enjoy termites as part of their diet actually do not. For example, crickets, squirrels, roaches, and many other smaller animals or insects typically do not target termites as a food source.
Can I rely solely on animals to control termites in my home?
While many animals naturally prey on termites, relying solely on them for termite control in a home setting is not advisable. Professional pest control methods are often necessary for effective and comprehensive termite management.
Are there any risks to encouraging wildlife to control termites?
Attracting wildlife to your property can sometimes lead to unintended consequences, such as damage to plants, potential conflicts with pets, and the attraction of other unwanted animals. It’s essential to consider the overall impact on your local ecosystem.
Nature’s Pest Control Allies
While the animal kingdom offers a fascinating array of natural termite predators, managing a termite problem often requires a more human touch. If you’re facing a termite challenge that goes beyond the capabilities of your backyard’s wildlife, we can help you connect with an experienced termite control company. These professionals are equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide effective, long-term solutions to protect your home from termite damage.
Main Image Credit: momnoi / Canva Pro / License