When is mosquito season in Florida? It might be easier to ask: When is it not mosquito season in Florida? Mosquito activity is found all year round in the Sunshine State. For the majority of the state, mosquitoes boom from February through November. Read on to find out more about Florida’s mosquito season and how to fight back against these pesky mosquitoes.
When is Mosquito Season in Florida?
The quick answer is: Mosquito season in Florida is all year round. Mosquitoes love warmth and rain, and Florida has it all. But the peak in mosquito activity can vary according to the region.
In South Florida, mosquito season lasts year-round, but they get worse around the rainy June-to-October period. In the northern part of the state, mosquito season goes from March to September.
But why is that so? These variations happen because of the two main different climate zones each part of the state is in:
- Subtropical: Most of Florida (North and Central regions) has long, humid summers with mild winters.
- Tropical: The southern parts of the state have hot temperatures (above 50 degrees F) all year long.
Subtropical Florida
In the subtropical regions of Florida, mosquitoes take a break during winter. Because they are cold-blooded insects, they need external warmth to regulate their body temperature. So during winter, they usually go into diapause (a form of hibernation). As winters in subtropical Florida stay around 50-60 degrees F, however, it is still possible to see pesky mosquitoes even then.
But mosquitoes go partying at the start of the summer months. With the rain coming around May to meet the warm temperatures, mosquitoes have a feast that will last until fall, September, when their activity decreases again.
Tropical Florida
Mosquito activity in tropical Florida never really goes away. But unlike subtropical Florida, a significant reduction in their activity can hardly be felt. January, the coldest month in the state, has an average of 60 degrees Fahrenheit in South Florida— which mosquitoes deem as perfect for them. So they keep bugging residents all year long.
With the rain starting to hit the region by the end of May to the beginning of June, mosquitoes’ breeding grounds become plenty and their populations go out in full force. The larvae quickly become adult female mosquitoes that go furiously searching for their blood meal.
“And what are those breeding grounds?” You may ask. Any standing water source can become a mosquito nursery:
- Floodwater habitats: Floodwater mosquito species lay eggs in marshes, ditches, or in puddle edges — spots that will later be filled by rainwater.
- Container habitats: These habitats can be natural (such as tree holes) or man-made, as is the case with tires, bottles, and buckets left around our yards. The rainy season creates more container habitats if homeowners don’t take precautions.
- Permanent water habitats: These are the ponds, lakes, and other stagnant water sources that remain wet all year round.
There are approximately 80 mosquito species in Florida.
The most common species of mosquitoes found in Florida are:
● Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito): Found in all of Florida except for the Panhandle counties
● Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito): Present in the entire state
● Culex quinquefasciatus (Southern house mosquito): Found throughout the state
● Aedes taeniorhynchus (Black salt marsh mosquito): Abundant statewide, they become major pests in summer and early fall.
● Psorophora ciliata (Gallinipper): Present in all Florida counties
The most prevalent mosquito-borne diseases in Florida are:
● West Nile virus
● Eastern equine encephalitis
● St. Louis encephalitis
However, Florida is not immune to other non-native, dangerous diseases, including dengue fever, Zika virus, and chikungunya. In summer 2023, for example, Florida registered locally-acquired malaria cases in Sarasota County.
The Florida Department of Health recommends:
● Drain standing water sources: clogged gutters, birdbaths, unkempt swimming pools, old tires.
● Cover exposed skin: Wear shirts with long sleeves and long pants. Insect-repellent clothing is a good idea as well.
● Spray mosquito repellents: Choose an insect repellent with EPA-approved active ingredients, such as DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), and oil of citronella.
Enjoy a Mosquito-Free Season
We know mosquitoes love summer, but so do you. So why not enjoy the sunny outdoors without worrying? Pest Gnome connects you to the best pest control services that can get rid of mosquitoes for you. Contact a pro and enjoy the summer!
Main Photo Credit: Flavio Vallenari / Canva Pro / License