Termite barriers act as a protective shield preventing termites from accessing and infesting your property. They can be physical or chemical.
Author: Abdul Wadood
Abdul Wadood has a lot of experience battling creepy crawlies in his house, from termites to cockroaches and mosquitoes. He wants to share his valuable insights with homeowners to help them keep unwanted guests at bay.
Everything to Know About Termites in Virginia
The humid Virginia climate creates a perfect environment for termites. Eastern subterranean termites are the most common in Virginia. They are also the most destructive and form the largest colonies.
Everything to Know About Bed Bugs in New York City
The city’s dense population and popularity as a travel destination are ideal for bed bugs. Regularly inspect your home, and be alert during hotel stays.
What Do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like?
Bed bugs are tiny, oval-shaped, and pearly white. They are about a millimeter in diameter and resemble small grains of rice or salt.
What You Should Know About Termites in North Carolina
The warm, humid climate of North Carolina creates a perfect environment for termites to thrive. The state is at a moderate to high risk of termite infestation.